Cozy Handcuffs

The blank page can be intimidating, and it's easy to get stuck trying to come up with the perfect beginning, middle, and end. But there are certain scenes that are expected in almost every genre. By incorporating these scenes, you can create a solid foundation and get the ball rolling.

In a Western, you can expect to see a duel and a cantina fight. In a romance, you'll probably need a meet cute and a first kiss. In a horror movie, there will be a jump scare. These scenes are expected.

But just because these scenes are expected, it doesn't mean they have to be formulaic or predictable. It's the writer's responsibility to deliver them in a fresh and unique way.

The meet-cute in "Crazy Rich Asians" takes place at a fancy hotel, where the male lead mistakes the female lead for a hotel employee. This unexpected twist on a familiar trope helps the scene stand out and adds to the charm of the story.

"The Dark Knight," opens with a bank robbery. These are common in crime films, but this scene is unique because it's carried out by the Joker and his gang. By putting a fresh spin on the familiar, the filmmakers were able to create a memorable and thrilling opening that established the villain.

So, how can you incorporate these expected scenes into your own script? Start by thinking about the genre of your story and what scenes are typically found in that genre.

Once you have a list, try to come up with ways to make those scenes unique and unexpected. How can you put a fresh spin on a familiar scene? What unexpected twists can you add?

This can be a great way to get off the blank page and start outlining. Embrace the expectations of the familiar. Then turn it upside down with a fresh reversal.


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