I designed a Wargame with my AI pal.
On my quest to grok artificial intelligence before it groks me, I've pulled myself onto a new branch of the knowledge tree. My latest exploration began with a yearning for a tabletop miniature game that resonated perfectly with my tastes. Akin to the GOAT that is Warhammer 40K and the new kids on the block, Stargrave, and Zombicide.
I love these analog skirmish games for their intricate balance of strategy, storytelling, and chance. But I’m not a math guy. The complexity of calculating points, values, and probabilities seemed daunting. And then I remembered AI was on tap. With its computational prowess, it can manage these aspects. Allowing me to focus on my core competancy: creating the world, the lore, and the vibe.
My day job takes up much of my scribbling time, so AI became my co-creator. I tapped all the world-building knowledge I deploy when working on shows and games. I asked, prodded, tweaked, and challenged my LLM of choice. Together, we established the elements vital for an original world brimming with systems designed to foster emergent stories.
After whipping up a massive world document, I tasked the LLM with generating gameplay scenarios, drawing from the extensive lore we co-created. The results were way better than I thought was possible. They were fresh, unexpected, and deeply intertwined with the world's narrative fabric.
These AI-generated plots weren't just random; they were coherent narratives that expanded on the foundational lore, offering a glimpse into the endless possibilities of AI-assisted creativity.
I’d crafted a prompt telling the AI what elements to emphasize, what tone to use, and where to include narrative. I built the sandbox, filled it with toys, and let Skynet play.
I finally grok the inevitability of this tool to create uniquely personalized narrative content. The future of entertainment will blur the boundaries of creator and consumer. In the next few years, anyone will have the power to craft an original movie, song, book, video game, or TT Skirmish game—for an audience of one with just a half dozen sentences.
For scribblers looking to probe creative horizons, I urge AI experiments like this one.