Custom Playground

You want your main character to be dynamic and captivating. One way to do this is to imagine a playground that showcases their specific skills and talents. This can help you better understand your character and their unique abilities, and use that knowledge to enhance their story.

Let's take a look at some examples of how this technique could be applied to popular characters from movies and TV series.

  1. Spider-Man's playground would be a multi-level obstacle course filled with webs and acrobatic challenges. The course would test his agility, strength, and quick thinking as he navigates through webs and leaps from one platform to another.

  2. Sherlock Holmes’ playground would be a library filled with puzzles, riddles, and hidden clues. The challenges would test his deductive skills and his ability to think outside the box. As he solves each puzzle, he would move closer to the ultimate challenge, a locked room mystery only he can solve.

  3. James Bond's playground would be a high-tech spy training facility filled with gadgets, weapons, and surveillance equipment. The challenges would test his marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat skills, and his ability to blend in and deceive his enemies.

  4. Indiana Jones' playground would be a dangerous jungle filled with traps, wild animals, and ancient artifacts. The challenges would test his physical strength, his survival skills, and his ability to decipher clues and navigate through treacherous terrain.

  5. Katniss Everdeen’s playground would be an archery range, a forest, and a survivalist course. The challenges would test her archery skills, her resourcefulness, and her ability to adapt to new environments. She would be tasked with hunting for food, building shelter, and navigating dangerous terrain.

So, the next time you're struggling to understand your main character, try visualizing their playground and see what that reveals.


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