Make Movies, Skip Hollywood
On Scott Galloway's podcast, he chatted with financial advisor Josh Brown about the ever-challenging future for legacy entertainment companies. This got me thinking about my son studying film at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Will he be ready for a new world where it's less about getting hired by Hollywood and given permission to tell your story? Or is he acquiring the skills and mindset to make and market his own movies?
Like musicians no longer needing record labels and journalists building brands outside traditional newspapers, filmmakers and content creators are tapping platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Patreon, VOD, and Substack to connect directly with audiences. Short-form dominates, but the boundaries are expanding to include longer-form narratives.
On YouTube, Joel Haver cranks out feature-length films made with just a few friends and a modest budget. He’s on track to make and release 12 feature-length films in 12 months. "Hello My Beautiful Creatures" is my fave, but check out "The Text" and "Hiccups."
Seth Godin says you can build a career if you can make work that resonates with just a thousand dedicated fans. They aren't passively watching; they’re invested, supportive, and want to see you succeed. Joel Haver has two million YouTube followers. His movies get hundreds of thousands of views. He's found an audience that connects with his unique talent and grass-roots approach to cinematic storytelling.
I went to a screening of Joel's latest movie at an improv theater in Hollywood. My son was home from SCAD and snagged a ticket drop after Joel posted on Instagram. The audience was packed with 100+ supporters. Joel was in the front row, reveling in the audience's reactions. It was great to see how creators can hit export, rent a space, and share their work with an audience. The theatrical experience can be about more than the local AMC.
As Podcasters/YouTubers like Joe Rogan inspire the next generation of influencers and pundits, creators like Joel Haver are inspiring the next generation of filmmakers, proving the viability of new models, tools, and talents. Checkout his channel -