Memorable Moments

In today's world, where social media dominates the landscape, it is more important than ever to create moments in your screenplay that are worthy of Twitter, memes, the marketing trailer, and water cooler conversation. Moments that create lasting buzz and manic anticipation for your project and will help it stand apart in a crowded media landscape.

Avengers: Endgame had several iconic scenes that had audiences cheering and crying, from the portal scene where all the superheroes emerge to the climactic battle between the Avengers and Thanos. These moments were not only memorable but helped build anticipation and excitement leading up to the film's release.

Hannibal had multiple scenes in which the titular character prepared gourmet meals using the body parts of his victims. The combination of the show's surreal visuals, the intricate preparation of the meal, and the unsettling realization of what was being served to unsuspecting dinner guests left a lasting impression on viewers. The cooking scenes showcased the show's unique style and cemented Hannibal as required viewing.

In season one, Will and Jack discovered a hidden room in the basement of a suspect's house, which contained a gruesome garden of human bodies sprouting from the ground. The surreal and grotesque imagery of the mushroom garden became one of the show's most iconic moments.

In season one, Hannibal's former patient, Tobias, returned to seek revenge. The fight between Hannibal and Tobias is one of the most brutal and visceral scenes in the series, showcasing Hannibal's fighting skills and his willingness to do whatever it takes to protect himself.

In Alias, we wanted to create tension and danger by having Sydney Bristow in constant peril and facing impossible odds. In the opening scene of the pilot episode, where Sydney is shown in a blonde wig and red dress infiltrating a high-security building, only to reveal it was all a training exercise.

In season 2, the true identity of Sydney's long-dead mother as Irina Derevko (Lena Olin) was iconic. Irina is revealed as not only still alive but also a former KGB agent, leader of K-Directorate, and arch-nemesis of Sydney's father.

In the season 2 episode "Phase One," Sydney is captured and brainwashed by the villainous organization SD-6, leading to a heart-wrenching scene where she kills her fiancé, Danny, in a trance-like state..

In Heroes, we wanted to create a sense of wonder and excitement by introducing characters with extraordinary abilities and having them use their powers in unexpected ways.

"Save the cheerleader, save the world" - This iconic line from the first season of Heroes is spoken by Hiro in episode seven. The line becomes a rallying cry for the heroes as they try to save Claire Bennet, who has the ability to regenerate her body.

Lost had many iconic scenes, from the opening plane crash to the reveal of the smoke monster. The discovery of the mysterious Hatch in season one is a major turning point for the show. The Hatch adds a new layer of intrigue and raises many questions about what lies beneath it. The Hatch also provides some of the show's most memorable scenes, including the button-pushing ritual and the explosion that destroys it in season two.

The "Not Penny's Boat" scene left audiences stunned. The scene involved one of the show's most beloved characters sacrificing himself to save others, and the emotional impact of the moment is still felt by fans today.

"We have to go back!": In the season three finale, Jack's desperate plea to Kate that they have to go back to the island is one of the show's most iconic and memorable moments. This line sets up the show's final seasons and leaves audiences on the edge of their seats, wondering what will happen next.

In the pilot episode of Star Trek: Discovery, Captain Georgiou is killed in action, setting the stage for the show's protagonist, Michael Burnham, to grapple with guilt and redemption throughout the season. The introduction of the Mirror Universe, the reveal of Captain Lorca’s origin, and the existence of Emperor Georgiou at the end of season one had online fans speculating and discussing the show in depth.

In the season one finale Michael Burnham and her crewmates discover a new version of the USS Enterprise, complete with its classic theme music. This moment sent fans into a frenzy.

Actor Rainn Wilson's portrayal of the charismatic con man Harry Mudd added a comedic element to the show and provided a memorable antagonist for the crew of the Discovery in "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad." This Hugo award-nominated time loop episode is one of the season's most fun, inventive, and memorable.

These moments illuminate the importance of taking risks and pushing the boundaries in your screenplay. Never underestimate the power of a well-crafted and earned yet surprising reversal, reveal, or twist to infect the fan pop zeitgeist.


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