Visionaries & Operators
Hey Scribblers,
I’ve often noticed many similarities between starting up a new TV show and starting up a tech company. Both require money, teams that work well together, and a leader to define the goals and culture of the endeavor.
There's a wide range of roles that contribute to startup success. On one side, we have the Visionaries, those who are always looking ahead for the next innovation. The dreamers who can see the possibilities beyond the present. Steve Jobs. Walt Disney. Elon Musk.
On the other side of the coin, you have the Operators, like Tim Cook, Roy Disney, and Gwynne Shotwell, who manage the details to make those dreams of the dreamer into reality.
Visionaries are the idea generator, the spark of any startup. Driven by a mix of curiosity, a desire for innovation, or simply a way of thinking that doesn’t fit within conventional boundaries, they identify opportunities for disruption and have the ambition to rally others to their cause.
Operators are the pragmatic counterbalance to the mad prophets. They keep the startup grounded and guide it through daily challenges. They can transform ambitious ideas into feasible plans, ensuring the startup not only launches but also achieves sustainability.
Builders are the creators and the makers, the technical experts and product innovators who bring the ideas to life. They are essential in translating the concepts of the visionary and using the strategies of the operator to generate actual products.
Cultivators focus on growth, spreading the word about the startup, engaging with the community, and making sure the product reaches its intended audience. These folks act as the startup’s voice and ear, tuning into the demands and opportunities of the market.
Analysts cut through data to provide valuable insights. They’re crucial for making informed decisions, using evidence to shape strategy, and charting a course through stormy markets.
It’s the combo collab of these diverse roles that turn an idea into a successful venture. While visionaries ignite the initial spark, it requires the practical efforts of Operators, the innovation of Builders, the outreach of Cultivators, and the data intel of the Analysts to sustain momentum.
Each plays a role in creating stories of success, innovation, and impact. Despite the cult of personality that attributes success to a singular personality, they wouldn’t be there without the contribution and support of others, working together to be greater than the sum of their parts.