“Words are spells!”

Bruce Lee never said, "Words are spells. That's why they call it spelling.” But it’s a rad quote and got me thinking about the mystique that aligns scribblers with the wizarding world.

Like a wand-wielding Harry Potter, scribblers use the power of words to conjure emotions, twist perceptions, and guide attention. With the right incantation of dialogue and narrative, they enchant audiences, casting folks out of their velvet seats and into another world.

As wizards transmute elements, scribblers transmute words into engines of empathy. From heartwarming comedies to heart-stopping thrillers, we scribes transmute pages of text into visceral rollercoasters built on the scaffolding of messy and dramatic human emotions.

Wizards have their ancient scrolls of wisdom; scribblers have notebooks filled with relatable life lessons. Like magic potions infused with stories and morals, modern movies and shows inspire audiences to reflect, learn, and evolve. Scribblers use their narrative powers to bestow the hex of universal understanding on readers and audiences.

Wizards weave portals to alternative realms of existence; scribblers craft fantastic worlds of imagination. We summon cities, planets, and dimensions with grounded human narratives, transporting audiences to fictional domains where the mundane is recast into the extraordinary.

We are wizards of words. We use our pens and keyboards as wands to harness the uniquely human power of constructed narrative. So, my fellow scribblers, please, as you shape worlds and touch souls, use your magic for good — Don’t go full Voldemort.


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“It’s been an amazing experience.”