"While driving through Los Angeles, I find inspiration in the cityscape and dictate spontaneous stories and concepts into ChatGPT. The results of these LLM collabs both amuse me and trigger my existential dread regarding the inevitable AI-pocalypse." JA

Jesse Alexander Jesse Alexander

“War Racket is Oscar-bait!”

Forget “Amerstdam”’s approach, why hasn’t this amazing true story been turned into Oscar bait for Pitt, Clooney, Damon, or Affleck? It’s a timely true tale with a message that should appeal to both red and blue, “War is a Racket!”

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Jesse Alexander Jesse Alexander

Max Speed Moorcock

Michael Moorcock, a famous fantasy writer, once wrote an article detailing how he was able to write books quickly.

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Jesse Alexander Jesse Alexander

Moorcock Mysteries

Michael Moorcock, the renowned fantasy writer, has some great advice on how to create mysteries for your story.

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